von der Traumwolfen
German Shepherds

In Memory
Gone too soon, but never forgotten.
You are in my heart and soul.
We will meet again one day
at the Rainbow Bridge and
all will be right in the world,
Your friend and companion....
Ebene von Kindheitstraum
ATD Certified Therapy Dog,
OFA H/E Good/Normal, DM Clear
8/16/2012 - 8/26/2023

V Miky z Tresnaku
ZVV3, IPO3, 7xSchH3, ZPS1, ZPO1,
5CI 1/P, KKL1
OFA H/E Good/Normal, DM Clear, DNA

Baje von der Traumwolfen
(Dragon Bohemia Abakan/
Enni van Klipgaarden daughter)
OFA H/E Good/Normal, DM Clear
We were thrilled to have Ebene von Kindheitstraum, our very own granddaughter out of my first and very special girl, Enni van Klipgaarden (aka Elsa). She brought back Elsa's bloodlines through Baje von der Traumwolfen, a daughter by Dragon Bohemia Abakan, who was a wonderful son of the world famous Art z Lipin.
Ebene's father is Miky z Tresnaku, a very nice black and tan male who was imported by Weberhaus German Shepherds. He was titled to ZVV3, which is only achieved by a few dogs, each year, in the Czech Republic. Miky is a nice dog with great conformation and a very nice temperament, as well as great working ability.
Ebene has such an expressive face, and brings joy to all. Ebene is a very happy and social girl. She earned her AKC CGC (Canine Good Citizen), ThDA (Therapy Dog Advanced-200 visits), CD, RN titles and her BH. Ebene produced an IPO3 in her first litter. Several in her next litters were in training for Schutzhund, as well as many AKC titles. We love Ebene to pieces!!
Ebene was loved by everyone. She was a great representative of the breed. We will miss her a lot. Run Free sweet girl, until we meet again.
Utta Stribrne doly
KKL1, RTG 0/0 (A Normal), DNA,
ATD Certified Registered Therapy Dog,
2/10/2007 to 9/6/2018

V-Ergo Hartis Bohemia
WUSV 2007 Vice Master
SchH3, IPO3, VPG3, KKL1

Chita Stribrne Doly
ZVV1, IPO2, SchH1, FPR1,
Utta, call name Chita, was a very nice, social, environmentally stable ZVV1, ZPO1, IPO3, KKL female that we welcomed to our kennel in 2010. She had a super temperament and was a very loving female. She was the daughter of 2007 WUSV Vice Master (2nd Place), and Czech National Champion V-Ergo Hartis Bohemia, a SchH3, IPO3, VPG3, KKL1 male, from the Czech Republic. Her mother was Chita Stribrne doly, ZVV1, IPO2, SchH1, FPR1, ZPO1, KKL.
We were fortunate enough to be able to get Chita, directly from her breeder, with the help of my good friend, Jana Horejsi. We continued her training and competed in some AKC events. We earned her AKC CD, RN, and ThD, ThDA and ThDX titles. Chita was a Registered Therapy Dog through Therapy Dogs, Inc., and later it was changed to Alliance of Therapy Dogs, which ws based out of Cheyenne, Wyoming.
Chita was the mother to our C, E, F, G and I Litters. Although most of her puppies went into family companion homes, she had several pups that were started in Schutzhund training, two F litter females earned their IGP3's. One pup was a certified Dual Purpose Police K9 with the Deuel County Sheriff's Department in Nebraska. One was a registered Therapy Dog for a while.
My sincere thanks to Ivana, for allowing Chita to become a member of our family, and to Jana, for her help in finding this wonderful female. Chita was an absolutely wonderful ambassador for the breed. She loved to be anywhere that I was. She loved our family. She was my Grandma/Nanny dog with other litters of puppies. She had many canine friends, through our Therapy Dog group, as well through my group and private Obedience classes.
I am going to miss her so much. She was a heart and soul dog, one of those rare ones, few and far between.
Dragon Bohemia Abakan
HD A Normal, DNA
Son of the World Famous Art z Lipin
1/31/2004 to 4/19/2013

Dragon was owned by my very good friend, Jana Horejsi, of the Art z Lipin Kennel in the Czech Republic, and then owned by her niece, Karoliina Ohralova.
My sincere thanks to Jana for allowing Dragon to stay with our family, and to make his stud services available here in the United States. He was returned home to the Czech Republic in January of 2010. Before he left, he was collected and frozen semen stored.
Dragon competed in the Czech Republic with Junior Handler Karoliina Ohralova. Karoliina and Dragon placed 2nd in the 2010 Czech Youth Nationals IPO2 Championships. Karoliina and Dragon was also the 2011 Czech Youth National IPO2 Championships - High Tracking. RIP Dragon. We wil meet again one day.
Viggo vom Adel Haus
OFA Fair/Normal
2/9/2004 to 6/7/2011
VA Orbit von Tronje
SchH3, KKL1

Sira vom Waterloo
We bought Viggo when he was almost 6 months old. In his very first show, he placed VP1 under SV Judge Helmut Konig. I enrolled in puppy obedience classes where Viggo excelled and earned his CGC Certificate. We had great hopes for him and planned to send him to several shows during the first year and then on to Germany for his training and titles. Unfortunately things didn't go as planned. We re-adjusted our plans and decided to work on his training. In the summer of 2005, Viggo earned his AD and an SG rating. We then had to put off training due to family medical problems. After about a year off from our training, with encouragement and help from several people, I continued to work with Viggo. We earned his BH the fall of 2006, his TR1 the fall of 2007. I had been training Viggo in all three phases of Schutzhund. He had very strong drives for tracking. We earned his AKC CD title in 2010. He earned his titles as a HOT (Handler Owner Trained) dog.
Viggo did not have the qualities that I felt was required for a breed worthy male so I had him neutered at 2 1/2 years of age. I later found out that he had Pannus, which is a (some believe genetic) eye disease. He also showed symptoms of EPI. Viggo passed away in my arms on June 7th, 2011. He was our family pet and protector. I miss you fella.
SG Enni van Klipgaarden
OFA Good/Normal
11/1/2005 to 4/13/2011

SG Zender vom Lusondai
SchH3, KKL1, A Normal
2xWUSV Participant and
4x WUSV Qualifier for Belgium team
Bianka von Spitzbubezwinger
SchH3, KKL2, B 1/2
Produced titled dogs in every litter,
several competing at National Level.
Elsa came to us through my good friend Lee Hough of von Wolfstraum, who owned Bianka aka Basha, Elsa's mother. Lee directed us to Jon Gerpe, who was handling the sale of the puppies, and was able to get us this fantastic little female pup from the breeder, Ben Evarretts of van Klipgaarden Kennel in Belgium.
When Elsa arrived, she came right out of the crate and was a very happy little girl. She took every situation in stride and was not daunted by anything. She spent time visiting with all the kids at school, going to basketball, archery, soccer, baseball and softball games. She took to the puppy rag and progressed right on up to the hard bite sleeve with very little effort. She was quick in obedience and had fantastic food, prey and ball drive. Her heeling was flashy and she carried herself proudly.
Elsa was worked by 10 different helpers. It didn't matter who was doing the job, she put out her best effort. She earned her SchH1 title with a score of 81/82/87 Pronounced under SV Judge and Vice President - Heiko Grube. Elsa was HOT (Handler Owner Trained).
Elsa had an extremely strong pedigree. She had great dogs behind her on the sire line, including WUSV competitors Zender vom Lusondai (who took the helper down on the long bite at the 2005 WUSV), Udo van't Quentawald, Belgium Champion Quinto van Haus Nuyens and 2x World Champion Orry van Haus Antverpa, along with Othello v Karthago, Tino v Korbelbach, Gent od Policie, Iro z Pohranicni straze and Rick v Tiekerhook. She was an Ufo van Guy's Hof granddaughter through her mother. Her female line had most of the females with their SchH3. Top females in her pedigree included Nina-Nicky v Tiekerhook, Steffi v Tiekerhook, Palma v Guy's Hop and Nicky v Guy's Hof, among others.
A male pup, Archer von der Traumwolfen, from her first litter, was placed with a world level competitor - Mark Natinsky of Texas. Archer passed his BH in January of 2011, and went on to earn his IPO3 multiple times, competing in two National level events in 2012 at 3 years of age, placing 3rd at the AWDF. He placed 1st in the South Central Regionals in 2013 with a score of 95/97/99 - 291. Archer was then placed with Dave Kroyer, and together they qualified and competed in the 2015 WUSV in Finland.
I was so blessed to be able to have such a wonderful companion and friend in my life. She was one of those very special dogs. I miss you, my sweet girl. We will meet again.