von der Traumwolfen
German Shepherds

Platte Valley K9 Training
in North Platte, Nebraska
Hi! I am Marsha Seck. I grew up in Oberlin, Kansas, which is located about 100 miles south of North Platte on Highway 83. Our family moved to North Platte in 1999. I have been around dogs all my life. I was in 4H for 10 years and had many livestock projects. Besides normal cooking and sewing projects, I preferred training my dog, horse, break steers to lead and participated in livestock judging contests. I was a member and an officer in FFA throughout high school and qualified to compete at the state Dairy Judging contest. I participated in all sports in high school, qualifying for state track in hurdles as a Junior and was a starting Senior on the first girls team to compete at the state basketball tournament. I played volleyball at Colby Community College where I earned an Associate of Arts degree in General Agriculture.
I spent 7 years breeding, raising and training racing greyhounds in the late 80's and early 90's. I started working with and training German Shepherds in 2004. I started my kennel, von der Traumwolfen, in 2005. I've been a member of the United Schutzhund Club of America, the German Shepherd Dog Club of America, and the Verein fur Deutsche Schaferhunde of Germany. I have participated in the sport of Schutzhund. It is a three phase sport that originated in Germany, and consists of Tracking, Obedience and Protection. My association with the sport has given me the opportunity to meet, visit and train with some wonderful friends and world level competitors from Germany and the Czech Republic.
I compete in the German style Conformation, AKC Conformation, Obedience and Rally, as well as some training in agility. These activities help make my dogs well rounded family members and canine citizens. I am an AKC CGC Evaluator.
I hope that you will consider taking Private or a Group Class with me. It's a chance to increase the bond between yourself and your dog, as well as helping them become a better family member. There are many different activities that you can do with your dog, and I hope to open the door to those opportunities. I'm pleased to offer my dog training skills to the North Platte, Nebraska area. Group Classes are offered Spring through Fall. Private Lessons are available all year around.
Training Services Offered:
In Home Consultation - $30.00 for up to 1 hour's time. Local only.
Private Lessons - $125.00 for 5 sessions.
One per week, done on weekday's, during the daytime.
STAR Puppy Class - $100.00 for puppies from 8 weeks to 6 months old.
Monday evenings for 6 weeks.
Basic Obedience Class - $100.00 for 6 months and older
Monday and Thursday evenings for 3 weeks.
CGC Testing offered last night for free to Class members.
Rally Basics Class - $100.00 for 4 week class. Requires Basic Obedience.
Higher level available if enough interest.
Fundamentals of Tracking - $100.00 for a 4 week private instruction.
AKC CGC Evaluations available.
Contact Marsha at 308-534-1306.